Peace By God – Peace Of God – Peace With God
Can true peace ever be obtained?
Can true peace ever be obtained?
Why is it important for us to understand the very core of God’s righteousness? Simply this, without it there is no salvation, without it we cannot have an endless life, without it we cannot enter into heaven, and without it we cannot enter into the eternal state where righteousness will dwell.
The answers to the three questions of prophecy were directed to the nation of Israel: when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming? And when is the end of the world?
What is the one difference between those who lived before the flood and the people who are alive today? NOTHING! Mankind has not changed!
Through the shadows of the past the sum of all is revealed to us . . .
God had a plan —— and —— God acted on His plan — however, there is a warning with this article, if you plan to print it out – add more paper in your printer. The title of this article should also tell you something – Yesterday, Today, and Forever.
The Bible is a supernatural document held in place by a Supernatural Man that was given to us by a Supernatural God.
Why was Gideon’s sacrifice important then, and why is it important now?
Mary could not touch Him because the blood of atonement MUST go into the holy of holies in all its purity. The high Priest could not be touched, the perfect sacrifice could not be touched, the perfect Offering and the perfect Offerer could not be touched! Although Mary had previously anointed the priest for His burial she was not allowed to touch Him now. He must enter into heaven without a spot of the earth upon Him; not even a touch, not a speck of defilement could be allowed to affect His purity. He must remain pure when He places the blood upon the mercy seat.
How would creation react if all the nations and all the people praised the Son of God, Jesus Christ?
What is the difference between the ‘free will’ of mankind and ‘choice’?