Hebrews 5:1-4 – Among Men

There has only been one earthly priesthood in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. And that priesthood could only come through the line and genealogy of Aaron – and although they were divinely appointed they were still men – and herein was the weakness of the earthly priesthood. God no longer meets with man at the  mercy seat of earth, but meets with man at the mercy seat in heaven.


Hebrews 1:4, Part 2, Men are Men and Angels are Angels –

Angels are a completely different creation from the creation of mankind.  They cannot multiply, they are not sexual, they cannot die, and they are not redeemable. Although they can move within the realm of the natural, they are creatures of the supernatural world. Since they cannot multiply in their natural realm of the supernatural why would anyone believe that they can multiply in the seen and tangible world of mankind?