The Mediator – Hebrews 8:6 –
Who speaks to God for mankind? Who is able to approach God and become a spokesperson for humanity? Who stands between us and God? Who is this mediator and why do we have a mediator?
Who speaks to God for mankind? Who is able to approach God and become a spokesperson for humanity? Who stands between us and God? Who is this mediator and why do we have a mediator?
As the Holy Spirit in each gospel referred to Moses and the burning bush, we have different scriptures about the same instance. Each one of these records in the gospels brings out different characteristics of the resurrection, and by this, the very words of the Lord Jesus prove the eternality of eternal life.
God sees . . . . . . .
With the Word of God, hid in our hearts, we can build a fortress around our treasure with an army of words breathed by the divine Spirit of God. Within the gates of our heart this treasure is ready to support us in days of trouble. It is ready to comfort us in days of distress, and ready to assure us in days of doubt, and ready to lift us up in days of failure.
What the wicked – the man of the earth – thinks, says, feels and does.
God has given me the jewel of His Word, to build a fortress around me, a place of refuge in time of trouble, a place of comfort when life and death battle over the souls of men, and most of all it draws me to a place of fellowship with my Savior the Son of God. Yes, this is my Bible, the King James Bible!
The Godhead bodily is an example of what the Christian community should be — Oneness — Inseparable — United — Centered around the glory of God — Purposed in God’s righteousness and holiness . . .
The sin of Adam could not be reversed IN Adam. The only solution was NEW LIFE, a NEW CREATION, and this new creation had to come forth from the highest Himself in creating a NEW RACE OF PEOPLE who possessed His eternal life.
The many sovereign acts of God in . . . . . .
My side and His side — Psalm 23 and Chapter 10 of the gospel of John.
In our social thrust for equality we have made no one equal. – Michael Haigh