Quotes – August 2020 . . .

The present evil world, the world of wickedness, is not going to change just because you are saved. In fact, the Holy Spirit will show you MORE of the wickedness of the world to make you wiser in dealing with this wicked world. Michael Haigh – Also quotes by C. J. Rolls, Sir Robert Anderson, and others.


Quotes – May 2020 . . .

Christ, the Gift of God, outstrips all estimates. Artists cannot depict Him, poets cannot express Him, orators cannot describe Him, culture cannot appraise Him, bankers cannot value Him, earth cannot equal Him, heaven cannot match Him, and angels cannot compare with Him. Charles Rolls – (1856 – unknown) – Also quotes by Stoney, Darby . . . 


Quotes – March 2020 . . .

There is only one love, and that is the love of God. Without this love, one cannot understand love. It was the deepest love that took Christ to the cross. It was the greatest love that God the Father endured the death of His Son. It was the ultimate love when the God-Man laid down His life for His friends.Michael Haigh – Also many other quotes . . .


Quotes – February 2020 . . .

Christ is the only One of all those who have ever appeared on this earth who wielded the powers of Providence, swayed the scepter of omnipotence and exercised the full faculties of omniscience. Charles J. Rolls  Also quotes Sir Robert Anderson, J.N. Darby and others.