The Supernatural Book

God has given me the jewel of His Word, to build a fortress around me, a place of refuge in time of trouble, a place of comfort when life and death battle over the souls of men, and most of all it draws me to a place of fellowship with my Savior the Son of God. Yes, this is my Bible, the King James Bible!


Touch Me Not

   Mary could not touch Him because the blood of atonement MUST go into the holy of holies in all its purity. The high Priest could not be touched, the perfect sacrifice could not be touched, the perfect Offering and the perfect Offerer could not be touched! Although Mary had previously anointed the priest for His burial she was not allowed to touch Him now. He must enter into heaven without a spot of the earth upon Him; not even a touch, not a speck of defilement could be allowed to affect His purity. He must remain pure when He places the blood upon the mercy seat.