The Great Change


And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. (Hebrews 1:12)

‘They shall all wax old as doth a garment,’ ‘and they shall be changed’ — thus, we continually have change and decay all around us. Since the balance of power was changed in the world at the 2nd millennium, or the year 2000, man has been engineering social, financial, and moral change in this world. How’s that working for you? We have endless wars, more poverty, more tyranny in the world, and that includes the United States of America. Men of godless hearts suppressing the people of all nations in the name of a godless democracy, which vacillates on every point of life, and liberty. I give only one example, freedom of speech— you can speak only in the freedom of their words. Step outside their boundaries and the hammer will fall. These men will use anything in their power and come at the individual in deceptive ways to bring about their own brand of tyranny. All branches of government are open to this behavior. A man who drops a marble, goes to jail for environmental abuse — I know that this is an exaggeration; however, it hits pretty close to what is happening. They claim that ‘it is for the greater good,” which is really ‘the greater evil.’ Throw morality out the window with the baby, and bring up a child with a village full of corruption. It is no longer instruction, but indoctrination, and this indoctrination is into a godless society. Schools no longer teach, but preach philosophy and ideology; and this comes from higher institutions controlled by the immorality of the modern wisdom of the world. As it was in the days of Noe, so the immoral blanket has covered all nations of this world. You wanted change — well, you got change — and so change is coming. The rod of heaven and earth is going to  judge and destroy the nations of this world. We see it on every hand today — the cup of deception, guile, and evil is full. And this will bring forth the judgment of God upon all nations. If you doubt what I say, just look around to the situation of the world, soon the cities of the western democracies will watch their cities burn under the judgment of God. I would pray that men would repent everywhere, but I believe time has passed us by. We are at the end of the dispensation of grace, and soon all that will be left is the judgment of God.

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