The Greatest Painter of All Time and Timelessness
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)
  As I looked at the sunset it was an evening of color and beauty as He stroked orange, yellow, blue and red, as it blended with whites and greys. This flame of colors raced across the sky as His brush sped on an ever-moving canvas, and out of the flames the horizon appeared. He pushed the mountains heavenly higher. What a mural of color and beauty, and tomorrow at this time, He will begin again with a completely new painting maybe only blues and whites as thunder heads take on various shapes. He will take His palette knife and produce texture and depth to the bellowing clouds surrounded with the cerulean blue of the sea. The Creator of all things controls the infinite color wheel. He produces the purest whites, and the deepest blacks, the brightest crimsons, the warmest blues, the coldest grays, and the most vibrant greens, and let’s not forget the shapeless ambers and yellows of gold as they mix with the reds, the blues, and the greens; an ocean of nameless colors, and the detail of His work is beyond the imagination of mortal man.
  Who could blacken the board of the sky, and then with each dab of His brush put light back into His panorama? Then He gently spatters light at the beginning and then more and more until the whole board is a masterpiece of lights and perfection. Yes, this Painter is beyond all others. His canvas touches the earth and the green meadows, He lovingly merges the shades of the red orange skies and allows the rolling verdant purple hills to reveal their peaks as the mountains disappear into the clouds: a Master is at work, and man is void of the beauty all around him. The artistry within the butterfly with so many colors, too many to count, and yet such beauty blended into one shape. The colors shimmer and gives life to the image as it takes flight. His canvas is neither still nor static. His canvas is full of life and light, and all the shapes and characters move through time across the canvas, and we only get a small glimpse of this beauty. In a whole lifetime we cannot go through His wonderful gallery of even one day. He is the Master painter, and He holds out His brush, and asks us if He can paint our portrait to give us His character and eternal life so that the soul can see the wonder of an eternity of colors beyond the imagination of man.
  Eternity is His palette, and it is an enormous canvas full of endless shades of cyan, limitless reds, greens, yellows, and colors that the natural eye cannot conceive. His painting reaches into the endless, and His painting begins at the very beginning. He is the only Painter who is such a Master that He places living forms into His majestic canvas of wonder and glory. The highest Himself paints with the highest boldest strokes, and the fullest depths; O Master of color who has designed and patented the soul of man. Eyes cannot see the color and the majesty of Thy love. And the greatest painting that this Master has ever created was the simple red drops of blood that flowed from the tree of His own death that fell to the ground. O Master of the brush color me into your book of life for Thou has loved me unto death. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
© Copyright 2018, Michael Haigh
Article may be used, but not for gain. Freely ye have received, freely give.
All Scripture references are from the Authorized King James Bible. (KJV)