But THIS MAN – Hebrews 10:12 –
Who is this MAN
Who is this MAN
who thousands worship and honor?
Who is this MAN
Who is this MAN
who thousands worship and honor?
The world is not Satan’s playground. It’s Satan’s hunting ground. – Michael Haigh. Also quotes by C. H. Macintosh, A. W. Tozer, and others.
ONCE FOR ALL, ONCE in the fullness of time, came the Man born for ALL TIME, to put an end to sin and death for ALL TIME . . . ONCE FOR ALL.
What did Christ ESTABLISH?
In the course of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, every act, every word, every miracle, every thought, and every action portrayed His Divine Sovereignty over all things.
Why did God IN Jesus Christ come into the world?
The very image of the invisible God is the full radiance,
the full and complete effulgence of the glory of God
in the face of Jesus Christ.
There is only ONE book of the Bible that begins with the word GOD. Why?
What is the value that you have placed on your soul?
How does our battle with the forces of evil relate to good things to come?
Who is God’s definition of perfection?
What are the good things to come?