Hebrews 3:6 – The House of God Within –
The unseen things with mankind . . . .
The unseen things with mankind . . . .
Chapter VII The Lampstand, continued The lampstand consisted of one main stem or shaft, and six branches. These seven lights formed one lampstand, and gave forth one light; therefore, we have unity in these seven lights. This unity clearly speaks to us of the unity of Jesus Christ with His…
Why was the candlestick, known as the lampstand, and also called the menorah designed and constructed of gold ONLY?
The altar of brass, the coals of judgment — ALL these things connect to Christianity, but how and why?
Everything in the Old Testament tabernacle had a meaning. Yes, even a meaning for every Christian.
God revealed His purpose to Moses — that this sanctuary was to be a place of meeting and an approach to Himself.
There was both death and life in the ark of the covenant. Death in the law and life in the manna and rod that budded.
The Tabernacle God reveals the preparation, construction and the use of the tabernacle in the book of Exodus, Chapters 25 to 40. There are only 3 chapters in this section that do not deal with the tabernacle, and they are Chapters 32, 33 and 34. Why did God desire to…