Quotes – June 2018


June 2018

Angels . . . God could make a glorious creature and keep him. But we are the testimony that He can make an inferior creature, and, when he has fallen into sin, He can redeem him. – J. N. Darby

The first man was created in a garden, lived in a garden, and died in a garden. The Creator prayed in a garden, was betrayed in a garden, and was buried in a garden. – Michael Haigh

The law of God, in the final analysis, is given to magnify God’s love and God’s grace to us. – Michael Haigh

He that walks with Him up there walks like him down here. – J. N. Darby

Mankind plays at being a god every day: in self worship he sees his fabricated goodness as the goodness of God. He has foolishly turned the worship of God to the worship of himself. – Michael Haigh

A God that reason is equal to is not God at all. – J. N. Darby

When Christ satisfied God, grace satisfied the law. – Michael Haigh

. . . the governments of the earth with which we are concerned are infidel. Do you think they will care for the truth, or those who hold it? They do not pretend to it; but there is strength and favour in God. – J. N. Darby

Unregenerate humanity loves the words, “God is love,” however, they refuse to acknowledge that God is much more than love. They keep away from the holiness and righteousness of God, and that God is truth and that He is the Judge of all. – Mary Haigh

A man’s conversation is the mirror of his thoughts. – Chinese proverb

It may be that another reason why ‘Justice’ is blindfolded is because she does not want to see the evil in the courts of man. – Michael Haigh

Christ gave Himself to take the burden of the law away, yet leave a record of it for man’s moral control. Christians, therefore, are free from the burden of the law, but we are not free from the moral standards of the law. – Michael Haigh

We live in a synthetic society where food, feelings and faith (synthetic gods) are genetically modified to impersonate the true. – Michael Haigh

Growing old is inevitable; growing up is optional.– American proverb

We do not approach God through the law. We approach God through the Upholder of the law, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He died, and in His death He honored the complete law of God. – Michael Haigh

There is no hero-worship in the Bible. Israel and the Church have great men; but what was their greatness? Faith was their greatness . . . their greatness was, that they were nothing, but that they trusted in God. (Hebrews 11) – Adolph Saphir

We may declare ourselves to be one nation under God, but we are not obedient to God. – Michael Haigh

The danger of our current age lies not only in its brash in-your-face wickedness, but the danger lies in its pretension of goodness, religious godliness and obedience to God. – Mary Haigh

Old Testament history . . . can never for a moment be separated from Christ, — for without Christ it could never have taken place, without Christ it could never have been carried out, without Christ it could have had no end and no purpose. – Adolph Saphir

Love does not dismantle the law. (For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.) John 3:16 does not disgrace the law, grace is based on God’s love, and this love is based on the law. Michael Haigh

As surely as you tamper with the world, so surely will you drift away to its level. – J. N. Darby

You cannot take the morÃĐs of today and force it into the historical actions of the past neither can the actions of the past be judged by the  morÃĐs of today. – Mary Haigh